Listen Overcoming Confusion with God's Wisdom Ephesians 6:17a Pastor Dennis Norman 12-16-2018
This is the third Sunday in Advent. The third candle symbolizes Joy and is called the “Shepherd’s Candle.” To the shepherd’s great joy, the angels announced that Jesus came for humble, unimportant people like them, too. In liturgy, the color rose signifies joy.
The Sunday Service is at 10:30 a.m. in the fellowship hall. Prayer time is at 10:00 a.m.. Children's ministry meets in the children's ministry room to the right of the main church building.
Connection Sunday
This is a time to connect with Pastor D & Church leadership to learn the Lords direction for CCBastrop. and ask any questions you may have about Calvary Chapel. We meet in the fellowship hall and enjoy a pot luck lunch and connect with each other!
120 North Gaines Road, Wyldwood, Texas