“The Importance of True Christian Fellowship” 1 John 1:1-4 Pastor Dennis Norman 1-7-2024
The Christian church had only been in existence about 60 years when the apostle John wrote this book. The church was already under attack.
“Recognizing Fellowship with Jesus and One Another” 1 John 1:5-10 Pastor Dennis Norman 1-14-2024
True genuine believers walk in God’s truth. And they know they have a sin nature, but they know they can be cleansed from it.
“Living Alive to God and Dead to Sin” 1 John 2:1-6 Pastor Dennis Norman 1-21-2024
John teaches us as little children to guard ourselves against sin.
“The Commandment to Love” 1 John 2:7-11 Pastor Dennis Norman 01-28-2024
We need to be obedient to the commandment to love! We need to practice loving other Christians.
“The Stages of Spiritual Growth in Christ Jesus” 1 John 2:12-14 Pastor Dennis Norman 02-11-2024
John is writing to specific groups within the church. He expects all believers to mature.
“Abide in the Will of God” 1 John 2:15-17 Pastor Dennis Norman 02-18-2024
Jesus’ Word is our source of strength. There is a contrast and comparison between all the world has to offer vs. all that God has to offer. And there is truly no comparison!
“The Test of Perseverance” 1 John 2:18-20 Pastor Dennis Norman 02-25-2024
Many false Christ’s come from the church. The Word of the Holy Spirit is the voice of Jesus.
“Abiding In the Doctrine About Jesus Christ” 1 John 2:20-23 Pastor Dennis Norman 03-03-2024
The Holy Spirit gives knowledge of what we need to do in this life.
“Let God’s Truth Abide in You” 1 John 2:24-29 Pastor Dennis Norman 03-10-2024
Abiding or remaining in what you have heard from the beginning is very important! God’s Word has not changed since the beginning, and it will endure for all time! The security of the believer is found in 1st John 2:24.
“Love: Behold It, Meditate On It” 1 John 3:1-3 Pastor Dennis Norman 03-17-2024
God has placed great love on His children! God’s lovingkindness is eternal towards us.
“God’s Definition of Sin and Sinners” 1 John 3:4-10 Pastor Dennis Norman 04-22-2024
Nature of sin and Jesus’ work in removing that sin. We can’t take care of the power of sin in or lives. only Jesus can! A true Christian doesn’t live in sin.
“The Command to Love One Another” 1 John 3:10-15 Pastor Dennis Norman 04-28-2024
Contrast between the two types of children depends on their father: the Heavenly Father or the devil. Carnal people hate those who find salvation in faith alone.
“How We Recognize Biblical Love” 1 John 3:16-23 Pastor Dennis Norman 05-12-2024
The Christian life can be lived out by imitating the life of Christ. The Christian life is about serving. Real biblical love is not a feeling.
“The Spirit of Truth and the Spirit of Error” 1 John 3:24–4:1-6 Pastor Dennis Norman 05-19-2024
Keeping the commandments shows us that we are saved. We are saved sinners.
“The Assurance of God Through the Love of God” 1 John 4:7-11 Pastor Dennis Norman 06-16-2024
When we lose something, we don’t know where to find it. But when we leave something, we know where to find it. We just choose to walk away. The church of Ephesus chose to walk away. Jesus was the first apostle of the church. His mission was to share God’s love with the world!
“The Love of God is Revealed by True Christians” 1 John 4:12-16 Pastor Dennis Norman 06-23-2024
God has placed hope and faith in me by obedience that brings about faithfulness to His Word and His love and my ability to love you.
“Confidence in the Day of Judgement” 1 John 4:17-22 Pastor Dennis Norman 06-30-2024
The only part we play in God’s love, is the receiver!
“True Christian Beliefs, Love & Obedience” 1 John 5:1-5 Pastor Dennis Norman 07-07-2024
Christ died for our sins not for our personalities.
“God Almighty Testifies in Heaven & Earth” 1 John 5:6-13 Pastor Dennis Norman 07-14-2024
Jesus is the substitution for our consequence of our sin. He leads us in righteousness because we have none of our own.
“Confidence and Carefulness in Prayer” 1 John 5:14-17 Pastor Dennis Norman 09-08-2024
This is written to believers. Our confidence is not in in anything manufactured but in God alone. Don’t pray demanding answers from God! Prayer is not just rote responses.
“Knowing and Living The True Gospel and Rejecting The False” 1 John 5:18-22 Pastor Dennis Norman 09-15-2024
The blood of Jesus is still cleansing us! Repentance takes the Holy Spirit revealing the need.