

“Called, Sanctified, Preserved” Jude 1:1-3 Pastor Dennis Norman 07-10-2022

We have to recognize the Truth! The book of Jude is to dispel falsehood.


“Contend Earnestly For the Faith” Jude 1:3-7 Pastor Dennis Norman 07-24-2022

No other religion has the Holy Spirit! We are called to contend for what we believe.


“Contending Earnestly For the Faith Part Two” Jude 1:3-7 Pastor Dennis Norman 07-31-2022

People have snuck in to the church to give false teaching. It’s a fearful thing to fall in to the hands of a Holy God! God judges the unrighteous.


“Contending Earnestly For the Faith Part Three” Jude 1:8-11 Pastor Dennis Norman 08-7-2022


“Contending Earnestly For the Faith Part Four” Jude 1:11 Pastor Dennis Norman 08-14-2022

Cain’s works were evil, unrighteous, and without faith. Balaam was paid to curse Israel and was willing to compromise everything because of greed. Korah was rebellious. We need to be dutiful to fulfill what God has called us to be and not forcefully try to be what God has not called us to be!


“Contending Earnestly For the Faith Part Five” Jude 1:12-15 Pastor Dennis Norman 08-21-2022

Certain unsaved people infiltrating the church are like hidden reefs and clouds without water. They are good for nothing at best and at worst they destroy lives!


“Contending Earnestly For the Faith Part Six” Jude 1:14-19 Pastor Dennis Norman 08-27-2022

The taking away of Enoch was a foreshadowing of the rapture.


“Contending Earnestly For the Faith Part Seven” Jude 1:20-25 Pastor Dennis Norman 09-04-2022

Exam Yourself to be able to contend for the faith. God rewards us with His presence when we worship Him. If you lose your focus, you haven’t thought about your final destination.