

“The Revelation of Jesus Christ” Revelation 1:1-3 Pastor Dennis Norman 09-18-2022

The Trinity is at work int the first verse of the book of Revelation. God the Father reveals to God the Son Jesus what He is going to do with earth. Then Jesus reveals Himself and God’s plans to the Apostle John through God the Holy Spirit.


“Greetings From the Triune God” Revelation 1:4-6 Pastor Dennis Norman 09-25-2022

The Revelation is from the eternal triune God. God’s character towards you and I is grace and peace!


“John Affirms Jesus’ Second Coming” Revelation 1:7-8 Pastor Dennis Norman 10-02-2022

There are over 489 prophecies concerning Revelation. Jesus second coming will be one of the moments of salvation for the Jewish people and people worldwide.


“John A Man of God and The Word of God” Revelation 1:9-20 Pastor Dennis Norman 10-9-2022

There are tribulations for the sake of God’s Word. The lampstands are a picture of the church. and we, the church doesn’t produce light; we display His light!


“The Letter to the Church at Ephesus” Revelation 2:1-7 Pastor Dennis Norman 10-16-2022

Jesus knows our works. Leaving our first love is completely different from losing our love! You know where something is when you leave it. But you don’t know where something is when you lose it.


” The Church at Smyrna” Revelation 2:8-11 Pastor Dennis Norman 10-30-2022

Jesus Knows our every thought. We will be rewarded for continuing to follow Him in spite of persecution


” The Church at Pergamos” Revelation 2:12-17 Pastor Dennis Norman 11-07-2022

The Word of God knows our inward parts. Be a good Berean! The earth still knows God’s voice and obeys Him.


” The Church at Thyatira” Revelation 2:18-21 Pastor Dennis Norman 11-13-2022

You have to grow as a Christian or you become stagnate. Allowing sin is still sin!


” Sardis, The Church of the Living Dead” Revelation 3:1-6 Pastor Dennis Norman 11-27-2022

Jesus is complete and Holy. We are known by our reputation. But Jesus knows us as we truly are inside.


” Sardis, The Church of the Living Dead Part Two” Revelation 3:1-6 Pastor Dennis Norman 12-11-2022

They quit being awake! They didn’t even know that they were dead!


“Philadelphia, The Faithful Church” Revelation 3:7-13 Pastor Dennis Norman 12-18-2022

Jesus is The Holy One! He is the absolute pinnacle of all that God is. Jesus has the keys to heaven and hell.


“Philadelphia, The Faithful Church Part Two” Revelation 3:7-13 Pastor Dennis Norman 01-1-2023

The attributes of God are faithful! God has given us an open door into evangelism.


“Laodicea, The Lukewarm Church” Revelation 3:14-22 Pastor Dennis Norman 01-8-2023

Jesus is The Amen! God is the creator of all things. Laodiceans are typical post modern Christians.


“Laodicea, The Lukewarm Church Part Two” Revelation 3:14-22 Pastor Dennis Norman 01-15-2023

Laodicea exemplifies empty religion.


“A Heavenly View of Earth” Revelation 4:1-4 Pastor Dennis Norman 01-22-2023

This is the last time the Church is mentioned in Revelation, but saints are mentioned as they are saved.


“In the Throne Room of God” Revelation 4:5-11 Pastor Dennis Norman 01-29-2023

God is the only one worthy of being called awesome! Seven Spirits of the Lord: the Spirit of the Lord, wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, knowledge, fear of the Lord.


“The Scroll, The Lamb & The Lion” Revelation 5:1-7 Pastor Dennis Norman 02-5-2023

No one is worthy to open the scroll but Jesus! The strength of hope is what sustains our hearts.


“Worshipping Jesus in the Heavenly Throne Room ” Revelation 5:8-14 Pastor Dennis Norman 02-12-2023

The first event after the revealing of Jesus is the Church is caught up and taken away. The second event after Jesus takes the scroll to open it but before the first seal is broken is a huge worship service!


“The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse ” Revelation 6:1-8 Pastor Dennis Norman 02-19-2023

Apocalypse: uncover, disclose, or reveal. There are four horsemen of the Apocalypse. The first horseman is white and he is The antichrist. The second one is red and he takes peace from the world which causes war. The third one is black and causes famine. The fourth one is pale and is death and Hades and causes a fourth of the population to die!


“The 5th and 6th Seals Are Open ” Revelation 6:9-17 Pastor Dennis Norman 02-26-2023

The martyrs are under the alter crying out! They are waiting on the Lord. Stars are falling from the sky,


“The Sealed of Israel ” Revelation 7:1-8 Pastor Dennis Norman 03-05-2023

God seals 144,000 Jews from the 12 tribes. They become His witnesses to all the people of the earth.


“Salvation During the Tribulation” Revelation 7:9-17 Pastor Dennis Norman 03-12-2023

A multitude worship in heaven! And the multitude cause all the creatures in heaven to worship as well. The multitude are those who are saved during the Great Tribulation.


“The Seventh Seal is Open” Revelation 8:1-6 Pastor Dennis Norman 03-19-2023

The silence in heaven between worship services, affects the earth as well! There are many different resurrections during the tribulation. After the seal judgements, there are bowl judgements to come next,


“The Third and Fourth Angels Blow Their Trumpets” Revelation 8:10-13 Pastor Dennis Norman 04-16-2023

Jesus is our substitute for sin, God has not appointed His bride to wrath. There will be a meteorite that destroys a third of the fresh water supply, the plants, the sun, moon, and the stars.


“The Fifth Angel Sounds His Trumpet” Revelation 9:1-12 Pastor Dennis Norman 04-23-2023

John is recording future events even for us. There will be a remnant of people of God during the tribulation. Tribulation saints are sealed by God on their foreheads and aren’t harmed by the locusts.


“The Four Angels of the Euphrates River” Revelation 9:13-21 Pastor Dennis Norman 04-30-2023

During the tribulation God brings judgement in a righteous way. When the four angels of the Euphrates River are released, a third of the population of earth dies!


“The Mighty Angel with a Little Book” Revelation 10:1-7 Pastor Dennis Norman 05-07-2023

During the tribulation people are willfully disobeying God! God pauses during the tribulation out of His great mercy.


“The Sweet and Bitter Little Book” Revelation 10:8-11 Pastor Dennis Norman 05-14-2023

John acts without fear because Gpd directed him to go to the Angel. We can also act without fear because God will direct us! John is released from Patmos to prophesy the message of Revelation.


“The Temple of God and The Two Witnesses” Revelation 11:1-6 Pastor Dennis Norman 05-21-2023

At this time in the future, fifty one percent of mankind has been judged and found guilty. The pause that we are witnessing in Revelation isn’t for God but for man to have one more chance to recognize his need of a savior.


“The Two Witnesses Finish Testifying” Revelation 11:7-14 Pastor Dennis Norman 05-28-2023

Satan can only do what God allows. A witness is not something we do. It is something we are.


“The Seventh Trumpet Sounds” Revelation 11:14-19 Pastor Dennis Norman 06-04-2023

The fall of Satan happens as the Kingdom of God is built! It will be a Theocracy.


“The Woman, The Child, and The Dragon” Revelation 12:1-6 Pastor Dennis Norman 06-11-2023

There will be seven future signs of the past. A woman is the first sign and she represents the Nation of Israel. A male child is the second sign and he represents Jesus. A dragon is the third sign and he represents Satan.


“War in Heaven and Future Salvation” Revelation 12:7-12 Pastor Dennis Norman 06-18-2023

Angels do not die in battle. Their warfare is spiritual. Our warfare is in the battlefield of the mind.


“Future War on Earth” Revelation 12:13-17 Pastor Dennis Norman 06-25-2023

Satan, the Dragon will greatly attack all Jews. The 144,00 Jews will flee to Petra where they will be safe. Then the Dragon will attack all Jews world wide, as well as any Gentile Christians.


“The Rise of the Antichrist” Revelation 13:1-10 Pastor Dennis Norman 07-02-2023

The beast is the Antichrist. He is the exact opposite of Jesus. He will attack Jews and Christians world wide.


“The Rise of the False Prophet” Revelation 13:11-18 Pastor Dennis Norman 07-09-2023

The antichrist is from the Gentile nations. The false prophet is from the Jewish nation.


“A Scene Spanning Heaven and Earth” Revelation 14:1-5 Pastor Dennis Norman 07-16-2023

The unholy trinity is Satan, the antichrist, and the false prophet. If we didn’t have chapter 14 of Revelation, we wouldn’t have hope! The 144,000 are the first fruits of the Lord.


“Three Angels Make Three Proclamations” Revelation 14:6-13 Pastor Dennis Norman 07-23-2023

Three Angels preached the gospel globally. God’s wrath no long has a filter.


“The Time of Earth’s Harvest” Revelation 14:14-20 Pastor Dennis Norman 08-06-2023

Jesus’ second coming will gather people from all over the world, some to belief and some to unbelief.


“The Prelude of The Bowl Judgements” Revelation 15:1-8 Pastor Dennis Norman 08-13-2023

There seems to be repetition because God is preparing us for what is to come.


“The Bowl Judgements Begin” Revelation 16:1-9 Pastor Dennis Norman 08-20-2023

God has shut Himself in the temple in heaven in grief for mankind. God prepared the bowl judgments over 4000 years ago.


“Three Remaining Bowl Judgements” Revelation 16:10-21 Pastor Dennis Norman 08-27-2023

The 5th Angel pours his bowl out on the antichrist and his government. After the 7th Angel pours out his bowl God says from the temple “It is done”!


“The Ungodly and God’s Final Judgment” Revelation 17:1-8 Pastor Dennis Norman 09-10-2023

The great harlot is Babylon. She intoxicates the world with her immortality.


“The Woman and The Beast” Revelation 17:7-18 Pastor Dennis Norman 09-18-2023

Jesus will sit on King David’s Throne when He returns. When Jesus’ sets His foot down in the east gate of Jerusalem, the ground will crack open! The ten kings turn on the harlot and destroy her.


“The Fall of Babylon The Great” Revelation 18:1-10 Pastor Dennis Norman 09-24-2023

Babylon has become a haven for demons and unclean things. God calls to His people who are still alive to come away from her.


“The Future Mourning of Merchants Around the World” Revelation 18:11-24 Pastor Dennis Norman 10-01-2023

The people are mourning the loss of stuff not the loss of people. Apparently, they will have slavery in the future still. There will be no more false religion or shouts of joy in the streets of Babylon because it will be no more. It will be the end of all vanities of mankind’s luxurious, extravagant, sinful practices.


“All Heaven and Earth Praises God” Revelation 19:1-10 Pastor Dennis Norman 10-15-2023

There will be a worship service in heaven and on earth that celebrates Jesus defeating the antichrist bigger and louder than there has ever been before!


“All Heaven and Earth Praises God” Revelation 19:11-21 Pastor Dennis Norman 10-22-2023

John hears Jesus’s voice again calling him to come up. The only people who get to go to the marriage supper of the Lamb are the ones who accepted Him as Lord and Savior while on Earth!


“The Millennial Reign of Christ” Revelation 20:1-15 Pastor Dennis Norman 10-29-2023

Satan will be locked up for 1000 years! Three different groups will reign with Christ in the Millennial reign. They are called the First Fruits. The first group are the ones who walked with Him here on earth and believed on Him and were saved then but died before He was crucified. The second group are the believers of the church age. And the third group are the martyrs from the tribulation. Death and Hades are also thrown in to the lake of fire with Satan!


“God Makes All Things New” Revelation 21:1-8 Pastor Dennis Norman 11-05-2023

There will be no more tears and no more death! A new Jerusalem will descend from Heaven. And it is sinless!!


“The New Jerusalem” Revelation 21:9-27 Pastor Dennis Norman 11-26-2023

The New Jerusalem descends from Heaven. It is for the Bride of Christ. It is massive in size and beyond beautiful!


“Inside the New Jerusalem” Revelation 22:1-11 Pastor Dennis Norman 12-03-2023

The Tree of Life is in the New Jerusalem, and it is for healing the nations outside of Jerusalem.


“Jesus Addresses the Churches” Revelation 22:12-21 Pastor Dennis Norman 12-10-2023

Jesus is coming very soon and suddenly!