“Tetelestai, Paid In Full” John 19:30 Pastor Dennis Norman 03-31-2024
Before any of Jesus’ sufferings are announced, His glorious triumph is spoken. It is finished: it means man’s disobedience.
Listen“Living a Daily Sacrificial Life” Romans 12:1-2 Pastor Dennis Norman 12-31-2023
You don’t need new year’s resolutions. You need to live a daily sacrifice.
Listen“The World Jesus Was Born Into” Luke 2:1-20 Pastor Dennis Norman12-17-2023
“This was the first census ever taken or recorded in the Bible. Cesar Agustus was called the savior of Rome.
Listen“Are You Existing or Truly Living” John 17:3-5 Pastor Dennis Norman 09-03-2023
“Why did Jesus come? He came to reveal God and His love for us to us.
Listen“The Empty Tomb of Jesus” John 20:1-20 Pastor Dennis Norman 04-09-2023
You have to believe for yourself! Noone else can believe for you. Believing what the bible says is true is a choice . Make a wise choice!
Listen“Jesus’ Last Passover” Luke 22:14-20 Pastor Dennis Norman 04-02-2023
Jesus’ hour had come. He would not take Passover again until He took it in Heaven.
Listen“The Jailhouse of Unforgiveness” Matthew 18:21-35 Pastor Dennis Norman 09-11-2022
Sometimes we done know how to get out of the jail of unforgiveness. He forgave us, pardoned us, and set us free!
Listen“God Helps the Fearful and Worried Christian” 1 Peter 5:5-11 Pastor Dennis Norman 04-24-2022
God gives us the strength to deal with the fears of this life.
Listen“The Resurrection of Jesus Christ” 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 Pastor Dennis Norman 04-17-2022
Jesus prophesied His own resurrection.
Listen“Jesus’ Triumphful Entry Begins” Matthew 21:1-7 Pastor Dennis Norman 04-10-2022
The triumphful entry was prophesied over 1000 years before it happened. Jesus didn’t come to take what they had from them. He came as a man of Peace!
Listen“A Call to Prayer” Matthew 21:13 Pastor Dennis Norman 03-13-2022
Prayer builds our faith. Prayer is both an offensive and a defensive weapon! Prayer is God’s will for us.
Listen“The Birth of Jesus” Luke 1:26-38 Pastor Dennis Norman 12-19-2021
We are blessed just as Mary was blessed,
Listen“The Lord’s Communion” 1 Corinthians 11:17-25 Pastor Dennis Norman 10-3-2021
Communion is for one thing only, to remember The Lord Jesus Christ! We should walk in forgiveness at all times!
Listen“Discovering the Resurrection” John 20:1-8 Pastor Dennis Norman 4-4-2021
We choose to believe that Jesus has risen from the grave! And after that the world changed. everyone that died before rose with Him immediately to be with Him. Everyone after that could choose to believe in Him and at death immediately be with Him.
Listen“A 4000 Year Old Bible Prophecy Fulfilled” John 12:1-8 Pastor Dennis Norman 3-28-2021
The first Passover was a prophecy of the Lord’s lasting rescue of His children from our sin by Jesus shedding His blood on the cross for our sin.
Listen“The Importance of True Christian Fellowship ” 1 John 1:1-4 Pastor Dennis Norman 2-7-2021
Listen“How to Receive True Rest ” Matthew 11:25-30 Pastor Dennis Norman 1-31-2021
Listen“True and False Worshippers of God ” John 4:21-24 Pastor Dennis Norman 1-24-2021
Listen“The Importance of Worshipping the One True God ” John 4:23-24 Pastor Dennis Norman 1-17-2021
Listen“Worship of God in Spirit and Truth are Paramount” John 4:19-24 Pastor Dennis Norman 1-10-2021
Listen“Christmas Special “Isaiah 9:6-7 Pastor Dennis Norman 12-20-2020
Listen“The Virgin Birth” Romans 1:1-4 Pastor Dennis Norman 12-13-2020
Listen“The Eternal Love of God” 1 Corinthians 13:8-13 Pastor Dennis Norman 12-6-2020
Listen“Living a Life of Freedom” Romans 8:1-11 Pastor Dennis Norman 7-5-2020
Listen“The Confident, Reliable and Stable Christian Life” 2 Peter 1:1-4 Pastor Dennis Norman 4-26-2020
Listen“Living a Life of Freedom” Romans 8:1-11 Pastor Dennis Norman 4-19-2020
Listen“A Post Resurrection Bible Study by Jesus” Luke 24:17-32 Pastor Dennis Norman 4-12-2020
Listen“A Closer Walk with Jesus” Mathew 20:17-21:17 Pastor Dennis Norman 4-5-2020
Listen“Training for Thinking Biblical Thoughts” Philippians 4:8-9 Pastor Dennis Norman 3-29-2020
Listen“The Biblical Antidotes to Worry and Anxiousness” Matthew 6:25-34 Pastor Dennis Norman 3-22-2020
Listen“Qualifications for the Effective Prayer Warrior” Ephesians 6:12 Pastor Dennis Norman 3-15-2020
Listen“Communion” John 6 Pastor Dennis Norman 1-5-2020
Listen“The 8th & 33rd Day After Jesus’ Birth” Luke 2:21-24 Pastor Dennis Norman 12-29-2019
Listen“CHRISTmas Begins With Christ” Pastor Dennis Norman 12-22-2019
Listen“Why I Believe the Virgin Birth” Romans 1:1-4 Pastor Dennis Norman 12-15-2019
Listen“Living the Christian Life Daily” Romans 12:1-5 Pastor Dennis Norman 10-14-2018
Listen“Living the Christian Life Daily Part Two” Romans 12:1-5 Pastor Dennis Norman 10-21-2018
ListenLiving the Christian Life Daily Romans 12:6-13 Part Three Pastor Dennis Norman 10-28-2018
ListenLiving the Christian Life Daily Romans 12:14-21 Part Four Pastor Dennis Norman 11-4 2018
ListenBe a Good Godly Citizen Romans 13:1-7 Pastor Dennis Norman 11-11-2018
ListenCorrect Thanksgiving Thoughts and Behaviors Philippians 4:1-7 Pastor Dennis Norman 11-18-2018
ListenOvercoming Spiritual Weakness Ephesians 6 Pastor Dennis Norman 11-25-2018
ListenLiving the Overcomers Life by Faith Ephesians 6:16 Pastor Dennis Norman 12-2-2018
ListenOvercoming Anxiety with God’s Peace Ephesians 6:14a-15 Pastor Dennis Norman 12-9-2018
ListenOvercoming Confusion with God’s Wisdom Ephesians 6:17a Pastor Dennis Norman 12-16-2018
ListenWhat’s In a Name? Matthew 1:16, 18, 21, 23 Pastor Dennis Norman 12-23-2018
ListenThe Overcomer’ Prayer Life Ephesians 6:18 Pastor Dennis Norman 12-30-2018
Listen“The Next 48 Hours” Matthew 26:1-13 Pastor Dennis Norman 4-14-2019
Listen“JESUS, Who was Crucified, IS RISEN” Mark 16:1-8 Pastor Dennis Norman 4-21-2019
Listen“Communion Service” Pastor Dennis Norman 7-7-2019